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您的位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊混凝土攪拌機供水系統精度有誤差影響攪拌質量




  • 小型攪拌機的正確操控有哪些要求
  • 攪拌機使用時4大“控制”達到目的
  • 混凝土攪拌機檢修的方法有哪些
  • 小型攪拌機零件氣門的順利使用方式
  • 混凝土攪拌機的操作保養關注事項
  • 什么原因導致攪拌機存在抱軸問題


新聞資訊 /


來源:http://www.gdfcx.net/ 日期:2021-11-29
概述:駕駛混凝土攪拌機要懂得供水系統精度的出現問題,以及怎么問題,在選擇時要注意的地方。The ready-mix concrete must understand
The ready-mix concrete must understand the problems with the accuracy of the water supply system, how to solve them, and what to pay attention to when choosing.
There are altogether three reasons that affect the water supply system. The first one is the water supply precision. Because the processing quality of the pumps that match the mixers does not meet the requirements, there are errors in the water supply system of some mixers. Some pumps provide 100% , 70% of the water supply, 50% water supply, water supply error which decreases and increases, from the water supply range of 50% to the full range, water supply error must not exceed 2% of the water supply, in fact, we will know in normal operation, some mixer water supply system due to the accuracy of the pump is not enough, will directly affect the system maximum error of water supply to 15% , this is usually we should pay attention to the point.
The flow of the pump is small. What we usually stipulate is that the waterproof time of the water supply system should not exceed 50% of the mixing time. However, some manufacturers have reasons on the price, so they will choose the pump with small flow, so that within 50% of the mixing time, not Giving enough water to the materials to be mixed will in turn affect the quality of the concrete mix.
There are also some manufacturers in the design of the ready-mix concrete, the water supply system in and out of the pipes, joints, valves are not sealed properly, so that the water supply system in the construction of the pipeline pressure loss is large, when the water, caused by the mixer water supply error, here to say is, in the choice of mixer to choose a sealed pump water supply system, there can be no leakage.
Because the water supply system is not precise or of good quality, it will cause leakage, dripping, slow water supply, mixing time, and unqualified mixing, and other problems will appear. The zhongke Jufeng is here to remind everyone, choosing a good ready-mix concrete will save you water supply time, as well as mixing time, which will improve the mixing quality. If you can’t read or choose, bring along an old hand who has been driving for years to help you choose.


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