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您的位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊自動上料攪拌車冬季怎么預防結冰?




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  • 什么原因導致攪拌機存在抱軸問題


新聞資訊 /


來源:http://www.gdfcx.net/ 日期:2022-04-18
概述:  冬季溫度相對較低,而長期低溫對整個攪拌車來說是非常不利的。如果沒有加強自動上料攪拌車的維護,攪拌機將凍結,影響工作!那么自動上
  Winter temperature is relatively low, and long-term low temperature is very adverse to the whole mixer. If the maintenance of the agitator is not strengthened, the agitator will freeze and affect the work! So how to prevent freezing of automatic feeding mixer in winter?
  Rubber becomes hard and relatively fragile in winter, but it not only reduces friction in the system, but also relatively leaky in other seasons. During the winter, always clean the inclusions in the tires of the agitator, avoid using it repeatedly to repair the tires, and always change the tires of different models or brands.
  The winter temperature is low, the lubricating oil viscosity does not flow, the engine keeps the engine at about 1100 RPM after the engine starts, the automatic feeding mixer heats up, the accelerator starts violently, and the engine speed is not high enough to increase too much. As soon as the noise pointer thermometer begins to rise, the preferred temperature preheat does not wait for the engine temperature to rise.
  As the winter months go by, the number of sanding automatic feeder mixers decreases, so early winter wax is a better maintenance paint. In addition, the body is not easy to contact with water, not easy to condense on ice in winter.
  While winter brakes emphasize the words “early” and “soft,” the braking effect varies in winter and other seasons, even when driving on snow or icy roads. Mixer brake lights should be faster if used in conjunction with block brakes.
  On ice, use a block to keep the engine braking instead of braking on the road. You can also use hand brakes if desired, but stop the brake button to relax and do not release the hand brakes. Remember to apply the brakes to prevent them from freezing and not working.
  How to prevent freezing of automatic feeding mixer in winter? Do the above measures can better use the equipment to work in winter, if you still have problems, please come to our website www.gdfcx.net consultation!


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