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您的位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊自動混凝土攪拌機出車前的必做檢查工作




  • 小型攪拌機的正確操控有哪些要求
  • 攪拌機使用時4大“控制”達到目的
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  • 小型攪拌機零件氣門的順利使用方式
  • 混凝土攪拌機的操作保養關注事項
  • 什么原因導致攪拌機存在抱軸問題


新聞資訊 /


來源:http://www.gdfcx.net/ 日期:2022-05-18
概述:為了使自動混凝土攪拌機在運行中不出故障,在機器出車前就要進行檢查。對于該如何檢查,下面來簡單講講吧。 In order to keep the aut
In order to keep the automatic concrete mixer from failure during operation, the machine shall be checked before leaving the vehicle. For how to check, let's briefly talk about it.
Check carefully and find and eliminate faults in time. Never let the car break down on the road, otherwise it will be troublesome for the tank to be stuffy. Generally, the tank of concrete can not be stopped for more than 2 hours. Check the engine oil, antifreeze, lubricating oil, etc. before ignition. If it is found to be insufficient, add it again.
After the car starts, let the jar rotate at a low speed, check the tire pressure around the car, check whether there is a leaking tire, and then remove the stones in the tire seam with a screwdriver to check whether there are iron nails or the like stuck in the tire!
Then check the light, especially the waist light, to ensure that it shines on the edge of the tire. The construction site will often pile up reinforcement and other things, and the sidewall is weak. Wipe the rear-view mirrors and window glass on both sides with a rag. The road conditions on the construction site are complex and the light is bad. The line of sight must be guaranteed first.
Ensure that there is enough water and water reducing agent in the water tank. If the material is too dry to discharge, the water reducing agent is a life-saving straw, otherwise it will be troublesome to stuffy the tank.
Confirm that the automatic concrete mixer is in shutdown state. Because when the engine is started, if the can is in the state of high-speed rotation, the instantaneous force will be great and damage the reducer.
In addition, the automatic concrete mixer is an application vehicle of special materials. If it is not cleaned in the process of daily use, it is easy to get stuck in the tank. Therefore, we should do a good job in the cleaning of the automatic concrete mixer.
In addition, before loading the automatic concrete mixer, the residual ponding and sundries in the mixing drum shall be drained first. Keep rotating during transportation to prevent concrete segregation. Before the mixer truck arrives at the construction site and unloading, first rotate the mixing drum at full speed at 14-18 rpm for 1-2 minutes, and then reverse unloading. Before reversing, the mixing drum shall be stopped stably, and then the reversing shall be started.
The necessary inspection before the automatic concrete mixer is the relevant content. If you want to know more, please pay attention to our website www.gdfcx.net Com!


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