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您的位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊混凝土攪拌機邊攪拌邊運輸時禁止加水




  • 小型攪拌機的正確操控有哪些要求
  • 攪拌機使用時4大“控制”達到目的
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  • 小型攪拌機零件氣門的順利使用方式
  • 混凝土攪拌機的操作保養關注事項
  • 什么原因導致攪拌機存在抱軸問題


新聞資訊 /


來源:http://www.gdfcx.net/ 日期:2022-06-17
For concrete, many people will mix it at any time to prevent it from drying. If it is transported for a long time, it needs to use a concrete mixer truck to transport it while mixing. When using a mixer truck, one of the prohibitions is that it is forbidden to add water in the mixer truck. Why?
Because the commercial concrete is still a semi-finished product when it is in the concrete mixer truck, the continuous mixing in the truck is to ensure that the concrete maintains the uniformity of the factory under dynamic conditions, and the slump loss of the concrete under dynamic conditions is smaller than that under static conditions.
What is forbidden to add water is the requirement of commercial concrete after leaving the factory, because the important point of concrete is to ensure its strength. The strength of concrete is that when the amount of cement is certain, the more water, the lower the strength. Therefore, it is forbidden to add water in the concrete mixer.
Therefore, it is forbidden to add water to the automatic concrete mixer. Adding water may change the performance of the concrete. Once a lot of water is mixed into the concrete, it will become slime, which will not only reduce the strength of the concrete, but also make the slow car become slime, which is difficult to clean up.
The result of adding water: it will affect the compactness of concrete, and then the strength of concrete.
Reason for prohibition:
(1) When the cement of the same type and strength grade is used, the strength grade of concrete mainly depends on the water cement ratio;
(2) In order to obtain the necessary fluidity of concrete and ensure the pouring quality, more water is often required, which increases the water cement ratio; (Note: the combined water required for cement hydration generally accounts for only about 25% of the cement weight)
(3) When the cement is hydrated, the excess water will remain in the concrete to form bubbles or pores after evaporation, which reduces the actual effective section of the concrete to resist the load. Under the action of the load, stress concentration may occur around the voids.
(4) With the same cement strength grade, the smaller the water cement ratio, the higher the strength of the cement stone, the greater the adhesion with the aggregate, and the higher the strength of the concrete. (Note: cement stone is the block formed after the cement slurry is dried and hardened.)
(5) Controlling water cement ratio and cement dosage is the key factor to determine the compactness of concrete.
(6) The strength of concrete mainly depends on the strength of cement stone and the bonding strength of aggregate surface, and the strength of cement stone and its bonding strength with aggregate are closely related to the strength grade of cement, water cement ratio and the properties of aggregate.
The above is the relevant content about the problem shared for you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://www.gdfcx.net 。


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